Hello there! I feel so out of date on my blog these days. I've wanted to get back on track, but my life doesn't seem to always go how I want to. And scrapping seems so distant to me, I've wanted to get back in the swing of that as well. I've imagined for so long scrapping little girl pages of my daughter. But it seems even a little harder to find the time to, now taking care of three children. I love my life as a mom and having three wonderful children, but it can be challenging at times. Feeling like I'm being pulled 3 directions at one time! Ha! Yup! But that isn't always the culprit, I think it's just plain, I am lazy sometimes and don't want to do anything or feel motivated or creative. Yup, I have let things go in my house more then I ever thought I would, and I feel even more lazy now. I think I need to snap out of it and get back before I let that take over! Yikes!
I had been trying to think of a different way to document and scrap for Luella. But for now I'm just doing pages . I have some ideas of what I want to do, but it seems when I want to do things a certain way it doesn't always happen. So we'll see. This is a page I actually created maybe a month or so ago??
Elements used are all from Greener Grass Designs.